Visiting Rye for the Rye Bonfire night? Great, you will have a wonderful time, please be sure to follow guidance for parking and think about emergency access vehicles who may need access to an area or those in mobility vehicles who need the footpaths to be kept clear.
Your vehicle may be moved or removed if you endanger people or property.
Do not park on land other than a designated car parking area.
Fundraising 2024
Every year the goal posts get moved and more money is needed to put on such a big event such as Bonfire Night. The cost of fireworks are the same cost as insurance cover, believe it or not and safety requirements; barriers, road signs, far and wide, publicity and legal notices are matched by the expenses of visiting marching bands and entertainment. The whole night cannot be put on for less than ten thousand pounds.
On Bonfire Night itself we publish our programme which makes a profit from advertisers after print costs and very favourable help from Adams of Rye yet again, to say nothing of the sale of close to 1,500 copies each year.
We are getting much more skilful at executing a collection buckets strategy (emptying and restarting is imperative here). Thanks over the years to Marion Buss and more lately Patsy Hughes and her gang of well-coached volunteers. Though many citizens of Rye constantly bemoan not seeing buckets at all, a good collection (and a long counting session on the following Sunday) will be rewarded by over three thousand pounds.
We have some regular sponsors and individual or corporate donors too, but rarely have sought support from Rye Town, or Rother District Council and we are proud of that.
Rother District Council do assist with the event on Health & Safety and the loan of the Salts for which we are most grateful.
Why not join us and help keep the traditions of Sussex Bonfire alive for future generations to enjoy?
For information on how you can help, please contact us via the ‘Contact Us’ page at
Please come along and support us!